
How To Get An Above-Average Salary At Your First Tech Job

How to get an above-average salary at your first tech job

During a recent Google Developer Group (GDG) Dev Fest event two weeks ago, we asked more than 100 developers, “What is a reasonable salary for a junior programmer”

The highest vote?

RM3500 – RM3999

In this online masterclass, we’ll share how to find your dream tech job and and get paid a reasonable salary – even if you have no working experience.

What you'll Learn in this Online masterclass

- 10 must-have skill sets to be a highly paid developer.
- How to negotiate for a bigger salary (even if it’s your first job).
- Tips on building a tech career.

Who should join?

This session is for computer science and IT students – who’s looking to expand their network in the tech industry and to discover opportunities to get hired.

Who is presenting?

heislyc Loh

Heislyc Loh Founder Institute

Hi, my name is Heislyc. In the past 12+ years, I have held multiple technology roles and worked alongside companies like AmBank, AngelHack, YTL, AIA, MaGIC and Founder Institute.

I’ve also worked with over 100 startups & SMEs on their product ideas and development through mentorship and my software development talent network at Devs Asia.

Over those years, I’ve learnt that fast-growing tech companies often don’t have an efficient way to recruit the right talents to their companies.

And talents, especially IT/CS students do not equip themselves enough when searching for jobs. Yes, they are equipped with the basics tech know-how – but lack other areas like mindset, tool set and technical skills.

This cost talents a loss in opportunities and the chance to demand a fair pay grade! That’s why I started Devance Academy to help you – tech talents, to skill up and hired in fast-growing tech companies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why are we running this online masterclass?

Good question! We set up Devance Academy with a mission to help graduating tech and computer science students find above-average job opportunities. This online masterclass allows us to help more students.

Are you selling something?

You will be invited to our Programmer Career Accelerator, a cohort-based online study program, where you will be mentored by CTOs and tech leaders across some fast-growing tech companies. There’s no obligation to join the program. The lessons you’ll learn during the session will already be highly valuable.

Will there be a recording?

This session will only be done live – and we won’t be sharing recordings. We do this to respect the time of those who will be showing up and participate actively.

See you during the masterclass!

Date: 21st December 2022 (Wed)
Time: 8:00pm - 9:30pm

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